FIS 106 Safety Engineering - Internet
Course focuses on the work environment, its human, physical and environmental factors. Attention is given to achieving safety at emergency incidents, responding to/from incidents, and the fire station. The following topics will be discussed: hazard control; monitoring systems; accident analysis; promoting safety; OSHA; Workers' Compensation, fire prevention and fire safety
COURSE OBJECTIVESThe student shall:
Describe the various liability and safety legislation on a federal and state level Explain the major components of workers’ compensation laws
Describe the roles and responsibilities of management and labor under OSHA
List at least three [3] types of environments that can be hazardous to personnel
Describe safety procedures at the following
- Fire station
- Fire emergencies
- Medical or rescue emergencies
Describe the development, management and evaluation of a safety program
Describe the importance of information management in improving safety
Describe the importance of an Incident Safety Officer at an emergency scene
List at least three [3] emerging issues and trends in the safety field
Additional material will be located at the course documents web site
Every several weeks, see course outline for schedule, an online quiz will be given based on the material covered for that week. The quiz will consist of multiple choice or true/false questions and will be ten to twenty questions in length.
A prospectus of the term paper will be due and will include the following:
Name of person submitting the prospectus
The term paper topic [choose from one of the topics below]
The objective of the paper [ what you hope to explain via the paper]
Basic outline
A list of potential references for the paper
For an example of what it should look like go to Prospectus Example
The requirements for the term paper are as follows:
The body of the report will be ten (10) pages, double-spaced and type written
Term paper will be in MS Word [.doc], Corel WordPerfect [.wpd], or Rich Text Format [.rtf]. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WILL A TERM PAPER BE ACCEPTED WHEN WRITTEN AN AN E-MAIL
The bibliographic (reference) form will follow the American Psychological Association (APA) format for references and Citations. {See Library Reference Desk for Additional Information on APA Format}
The report will have a minimum of four (4) references in the bibliography.
References may include: text books, magazine articles, newspaper articles, reference books (encyclopedia, dictionary) and electronic media (Internet material)
Grading of the report will be based on content, grammar, and proper use of citations and reference using the A.P.A. format.
For an example of what a term paper should look like to
receive an "A" go to
Term Paper Example
The students will choose from one [1] of the topics below for their term paper.
Accountability of personnel at an emergency incident..
Emergency service personnel and the impact of stress and cardiac related problems on their jobs.
Critical Incident Stress Debriefing and Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome and its impact on emergency service personnel.
Providing a safe training environment for emergency service personnel.
For each week the student will be required to respond to questions posed by the instructor based on the readings for that particular week, others will be related to course documents that the student will download from the web site. Other discussion questions will be related to material that is based on current events. Access to sites regarding these events will be provided by the instructor. It is expected that the student will offer their opinion and ideas regarding the content of the question.
The written assignments will be an evaluation of various incidents, using the accident sequence format, and the general features related to hazard control, that resulted in the death or injury of firefighters while they were performing functions at emergency and non-emergency incidents. The homework assignments are due by the following Sunday [Example - Week 2 begins on 9/8/13, assignment is due by 9/15/13
The accident reports are available online in Portable Document Format [PDF]; a reader from Adobe Acrobat for this is available from Adobe's web site.
The general areas of the course documents are the following.
Firefighter Training
Roof Collapse
Fire Apparatus Response
Interior Structural Firefighting
Firefighter Health & Physical Fitness
The response to these questions will be typed written and in one of the following formats - MS Word [.doc]; MS Word - Rich Text Format [ .rtf]; WordPerfect [.wpd]. or MS Works [wps] When submitting written assignments do so as an e-mail attachment.
A, A-, B+ | Excellent |
B, B-, C+ | Good |
C, C-, D+ | Satisfactory |
D, D- | Passing |
F | Failure/ Unsuccessful Completion of Course |
About Plagiarism [New]
Plagiarism is the representation of someone else's ideas, words, or artistic, scientific, or technical work as one's own creation. Using the ideas or work of another is permissible only when the original author is identified. Paraphrasing and summarizing, as well as direct quotations, require citations to the original source.
Plagiarism may be intentional or unintentional. Lack of dishonest intent does not necessarily absolve a student of responsibility for plagiarism. It is the student's responsibility to recognize the difference between statements that are common knowledge (which do not require documentation) and restatements of the ideas of others. Paraphrase and summary are acceptable forms of restatement, as long as the source is cited. Direct quotation can only be used, if, in addition to citing the source, the quoted material is placed within quotation marks or in blocked format in accordance with the appropriate style manual. All paraphrases, summaries, and quotations must be immediately followed by the appropriate citation and must be clearly distinguished from one's own creation. Students who are unsure how and when to provide documentation are advised to consult their instructors. The Library has free guides to help students with documentation.
Students are prohibited from using books, notes, and other reference materials during examinations except as specifically authorized by the instructor. Students may not copy other students' examination papers, have others take examinations for them, substitute examination booklets, submit papers written by others, or engage in other forms of academic dishonesty. An instructor who determines that such violation
has occurred may follow the options stated below. Similarly, a student who has been penalized by an instructor has the same rights of appeal as in a situation involving an allegation of plagiarism.
Each student is expected to actively participate in the course and complete the required assignments and quizzes in a timely fashion. Failure to do this will impact your final grade Any assignments turned in past the course final due date will receive a 25% reduction in grade on each late assignment.