This document will present one method you might pursue in answering Question Three


Because other homework questions in the future will require what Question Three required you to do ("synthesize material from multiple parts of the reading as well as analyze what you have read"), you might want to pay close attention to this time-saving method of organizing information presented here.

Indeed, this is a useful way of organizing any kind information -- which makes it a powerful tool for both the workplace and (more immediately) the CPE exam.



Let's look closely at the Question Three again:


How and why did African empires emerge where they did? How and why were decentralized social groupings more common in other areas?

Right away, then, you know the question will require that you extract and organize information from the reading in the textbook (pp. 9 - 13) regarding two types of regions: (1) regions with empires and (2) regions with smaller social groupings



Next, let's look closely at the hint I provided:


Think about what the African Empires had in common regarding: (A) geography (B) the relationship between religion and society (C) trade. Think about what the regions with smaller political groups had in common regarding these same three items.


This hint tells you that information (A), (B), (C) will be important in recognizing and understanding patterns in the information you gather about the types of regions (1) and (2).


So, since you know in advance what sort of information you need to extract from the text, a good method to help organize the information you find (and remind you what to look for) is to create a chart. 


Here's what the chart might look like:



they had in common: Geography
they had in common: Religion and society

they had in common:


(1) Regions With Empires  

(hint: think about what has broader appeal and encouragse links to elsewhere: the ancestor worship common in the forest regions, or the Christianity and Islam that marked the empires?)
(2) Regions with Smaller Groupings  


Once armed with chart, you can quickly identify relevant evidence from the reading on pp 9 - 13 as well as organize it in a way that will help you see patterns that will be useful for answering the questions.


EXTRA-CREDIT: If you fill the cells of this chart with the relevant quotations from the text and submit it with your homework, I will give you up to 10 extra points on your homework. To help you get those extra-credit points, I have created a chart in MS-WORD that you can download here. Fill out the chart within MS-WORD and then copy and paste it into your homework and submit it along with your homework. (Obviously, if you don't have MS-WORD, you will have to create the chart on your own)