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The Electronic Reserves are used by hundreds of classes at John Jay every semester and the instructions for their use are rather straightforward.

The most common difficulty with Electronic Reserves is not having the necessary software ("adobe") installed on your computer; chance are, however, that your computer has it.
See here for instructions on how to get this software on to your computer if it is not already installed on your machine.

Remember that the Library -- not Prof. Umbach -- manages the electronic reserves. If you have problems, call the library reference desk at (212) 237 8246.


1) Go to either John Jay's homepage ( or directly to the College's library home page (

2) Then choose "Electronic Reserves" from the menu on the left; or go directly to the Electronic Reserves at

3) Choose the first option ("Class Readings and other Material on Electronic Reserve"), or go directly there at

4) Under "Select a department:" pick "History"

5) Select our course

6)Type in our password (given in class) and press return. Your Electronic Reserves password is NOT the same as your Blackboard password or your email password. If you forget your password, call the REFERENCE DESK at the library
(212) 237 8246.

7) Pick a reading -- the readings appear in alphabetical order by the author(s) last name.

8) The readings will appear on your desktop. Look for files that end in ".pdf"

9 ) You may need to install software ("Adobe") on your computer if you can not read the down-loaded files. See here for instructions.

Not having Adobe installed on your computer is the most frequent cause of student problems with Electronic Reserves. Prof. Umbach is not the person to call in this situation; If you have problems, call the library reference desk at (212) 237 8246; in essence, the Library manages Electronic Reserves and so should be the first place you go for help. Prof. Umbach does NOT manage Electronic Reserves and so can offer little help should you encounter problems. See here for help