You can opt to be on one of three tracks in this course:

A) writing-intensive

B) less writing-intensive

C) Hail Mary Pass Option

You don't need to decide, however, until 3/12 when I will collect your choices in class.


Here's how the tracks differ:


  Writing-Intensive Less Writing-Intensive Hail Mary Pass
Essays 5 essays including final essay 2 essays, including final essay; instead of the three additional essays in the "writing-intensive" track, you will have single-paragraph assignments Just One: HW6
Grade boost to your semester grade + 5 to +10% depending on how much improvement you demonstrate (so a C+ could potentially become a B+ ) No grade boost; you get what you get No grade boost; you get what you get
Absences 3 absences 2 absences Attendance not required; but you must come to class to turn in your notes to go in the "lockbox"

not required, although you can opt to take it for an up to 10 % semester grade boost

required required and counts for X percentage of your grade
Revisions possible, but with conditions not possible not possible



None None You may NOT have gotten a score less than an 90/100 on HWs 1-6
Letter of Rec Yes No No