Programming Languages (CSCI 374)

Fall Semester 2024

The instructor for CSCI 374 this semester is

Professor Jinwoo Kim(

Course Description
(From the Syllabus:)

"The goal of this course is to provide a foundation for understanding, designing, and implementing programming languages. In this course we will study essential concepts and structures found in modern programming languages. We will not focus on any one particular language, but rather we will examine features found in many different languages.
We will also compare different programming paradigms, including imperative, functional, logic, and object-oriented. We will study the specification of programming language syntax and semantics, and the verification of program properties."

Course Syllabus

Course Announcements

(No late project or homework assignments will be accepted)

  • Homework #1: Due by Sep 15, 2024

  • Class lecture notes

    Class Reading Materials

    Last modified: Sep 16, 2024 8:25 by Jinwoo Kim