Keith Markus' Urban Sprawl

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This is a tentative syllabus subject to change.
Suggestions are welcome.

PSY 811:  Research Design and Methods II
Fall 2000
Dr. Keith A. Markus

Time:  Tuesdays 4:15-6:15

Room:  212T

Course Description
    The purpose of this course is to provide exposure to basic principles of psychometrics, also known as test theory.  The use of tests in psychological assessment makes an acquaintance with this area important to the practice of forensic psychology.  Students will gain a basic understanding of reliability theory, validity theory, scale construction, classical test theory and modern test theory.  The course will include brief introductions to psychometric applications of regression analysis, item response theory, factor analysis and structural equation modeling.  Prerequisites:  Undergraduate Statistics and PSY715 or permission of instructor.

     Note:  I do not anticipate giving permission to waive prerequisites except in the case of comparable course work.  Also, let me emphasize that these are prerequisites and not co-requisites.

Required Textbooks
     McDonald, R. P. (1999).  Test theory:  a unified treatment.  Mahwah, NJ:  LEA.

Grading:  Each of the two examinations is worth 35% of your total grade.  There will be no paper for this course.  A series of homework assignments will constitute the remaining 30% of your grade.  Letter grades will be assigned as indicated below.

Letter Grade  Percent Grade
A 95-100
A- 90-94
B+ 85-89
B 80-84
B- 75-79
C+ 70-74
C 65-69
C- 60-64
F 0-59

Office Hours:  TBA

Office:  2127N

Phone:  212-237-8784

Email:  KMarkus@AOL.COM  (preferred)


Class Assignments Topics
1 Overview of course & Psychometrics
2 M1 & M2 Introduction & Items and Scores
3 M3 Item and Test Statistics 
4 M4 & M5  Scales & Reliability 
5 M6 Homogeneity, Reliability & Generalizability
6 M7 Reliability Applications
7 M8 Prediction & Multiple Regression
8 M9 Common Factor Model
9 Midterm Exam
10 M10 Validity
11 M11 Classical Item Analysis
12 M12 Item Response Models
13 M13 Properties of Item Response Models
14 M15 Comparing Populations
15 M17 Structural Equation Modeling
Final Final Exam


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