Hunter R. Johnson
Some new maximum VC classes
Information Processing Letters
Volume 114, Issue 6
, June 2014, Pages 294-298.
Vapnik-Chervonenkis density on indiscernible sequences, stability, and the maximum property
Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic
, to appear.
Dp-rank and forbidden configurations
Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic
, vol 54, 1, 2013.
Compression schemes, stable definable families, and o-minimal structures
, with M.C. Laskowski,
Discrete and computational geometry,
vol 43 Issue 4, June 2010.
My Thesis:
Definable Families of Finite Vapnik Chervonenkis Dimension
CUNY Math Blog:
My contributions to the CUNY Math Blog can be found
Video tutorials:
Some pedagogical videos: