Homework 11






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Script Proposal Assignment

LENGTH: The entire proposal should be 700 - 850 words in length, double-spaced, for 10-12 minutes of screen time.

For your final project in this course you will be writing a 10-12 page television script. You may choose to write a few scenes in your own episode of The Wire or, if you have an original idea, you may use that instead. To begin, you will need to write a proposal, what is known as a narrative treatment or synopsis, of your overall vision. This document is basically a prose version of the story you think you'd like to tell. No dialogue is included with this. Proposal should have a “high concept.” In other words, it is written with the goal of convincing someone that this is a good idea to buy this show.

Make sure that the idea of the script presents a clear dramatic conflict, interesting characters, and a theme that is resonates with a course entitled The Wire: Urban Poverty, Urban Narratives.

The four parts you must include are:

1. An opening paragraph that states the title of the show, general theme or purpose, and the expected audience demographic for show.

2. A synopsis or prose version of the story. No dialogue is included with this.

3. A scene breakdown or schematic section that lists all scenes. Under each scene include a brief description of the location, characters involved, interior or exterior, time of day, and any special features or actions that are appropriate. Keep this in list format - not paragraph.

4. A paragraph somewhere in the proposal that explains in detail how and why the script resonates with the themes of the course. Be specific and be sure to provide direct at least three quotations from any of the class readings in order to demonstrate that your proposal will reflect the issues of The Wire: Urban Poverty, Urban Narratives. In this paragraph you should follow the cl/ev/wa format and identify the various elements with (cl), (ev), and (wa).