

x, y, z
more x than y
neither x nor y
x and y
x but not y
not only x but also y
either x or y
x is y

  1. She liked cigarettes, Greek coffee, and to drink outdoors.

  2. Her clothes were dark, flowing, and had a vaguely menacing air.

  3. She thought the food in Montreal was better than New York.

  4. She was not an easy person to like, nor was her writing

  5. Although often disgruntled, a good bottle of wine and eating a home cooked meal always lightened her spirit.

  6. She could be dull sober, but with some wine she was strikingly witty, but after a lot was dull again.

  7. She could rattle off the names of Byzantine Emperors (in order!), but was ignorant of her own address.

  8. Politeness did not come easily to her, but it was even harder for her to be truly mean.

  9. Generosity struck her often and in cafes and bars, but she was stingy at other times.

  10. Her humor was both dry and could be caustic.

  11. Her mother looked either like a remarkably preserved octogenarian, or resembled a young person with a ravaging disease.

  12. A day with her was to spend time with vice itself.